High School Hoopsters Are Watching the NBA

high school basketball player shooting the ball over a defender

Over the past several weeks I’ve been observing many high school basketball contests online, featuring games played on the East Coast, the West Coast and points in between. It has actually been an amazing journey through different states and cities, as well as the various gymnasiums old and new, with … Read more

A Basketball Big Man’s Lament

yao ming shooting a basketball over a defender

Over the past several years there has been much discussion about the way the game of basketball has changed when compared to, say, a decade ago. Fans of the sport have witnessed the rise in importance of the area of the court outside the three-point arc and reduced action closer … Read more

2019 NBA Conference Finals Predictions

The second round of the 2019 NBA Playoffs was every bit as good as the first round was bad, with two stirring Game Sevens and two other series many thought would go seven. I have to admit to being very surprised at three of the four surviving teams, as evidenced … Read more

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