Categories: Trivia Trivia Quiz # 6 – Top Single-Game Scorers

Scorers. They rule the NBA. They shoot more. They score more. They get paid more. Their moves are copied on playgrounds. Coaches design game plans around them. They sell more jerseys. Win or lose, they get mentioned in the post-game wrap-ups and media accounts. They take the shots with the game on the line. Over time, the league rules have been modified to protect them. Some would suggest the referees protect them, too. So they go to the free-throw line more.

And they’re more likely to be inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, Massachusetts. There’s even a line of demarcation on the court that can help them post even larger scoring totals.

Take a few minutes to go through this quiz which focuses on some of the top individual single-game scoring performances in professional basketball history, several of which were accomplished without the assistance of that aforementioned infernal three-point line.

Good Luck!

Which former NBA player once scored 100 points in an NBA game?

Correct! Wrong!

Against which team was the 100-point performance (referenced in Question 1)?

Correct! Wrong!

Which current NBA player has NOT scored at least 60 points in a game (as of 10/29/17)?

Correct! Wrong!

Which NBA player scored 70 points against Boston on March 24, 2017?

Correct! Wrong!

Which former NBA player NEVER scored 70 points (or more) in an NBA game?

Correct! Wrong!

Which current or former NBA player has NEVER scored 60 or more points in an NBA game?

Correct! Wrong!

Who holds the single game scoring record (67 points) in an American Basketball Association (ABA) game?

Correct! Wrong!

Pete Maravich scored his career-high 68 points on February 25, 1977 as a member of which team?

Correct! Wrong!

Pete Maravich scored his career high of 68 points AGAINST which team?

Correct! Wrong!

Who currently holds the Cleveland Cavaliers single-game scoring record (57 points)?

Correct! Wrong! Basketball Trivia Quiz # 6:
Scoring Champion/Batman
You really know your scorers. Nice going!
Secondary Scorer/Robin
Nothing wrong with being second scoring option. Scottie Pippen is a Hall of Famer
Third Option/Alfred
Nothing wrong with being defensive-minded.

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Doug Anderson

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Doug Anderson

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